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Crush Dry January In Style With Velvet’s Cannuary Cocktail

After endless holiday champagne toasts and sips of spiked nog, many of us are ready to take a break from alcohol. You can enjoy all the good vibes, and none of the hangovers, with this refreshing, cannabis-infused mocktail.

Riding the Green Rush

The cannabis marketplace is rapidly evolving, offering tempting opportunities — and tough decisions — for brands with an appetite for growth.

Velvet Slumber

Having a difficult time falling and/or staying asleep? Travis Bowles, Velvet’s Purchasing Manager and resident cannabis guru is here to help, with his five top picks for products that will send you off into a blissful Velvet slumber.

Soothing Pain

Aches and pains are a part of life, but customers are increasingly turning to cannabis products to find relief. Travis Bowles, Velvet’s purchasing manager and resident cannabis guru, lists his five favorite products that may help to soothe your pain.

Soothing Anxiety

The stresses and worries of everyday life can get to the best of us, but cannabis may help to take the edge off. Travis Bowles, Velvet’s purchasing manager and resident cannabis guru, lists his five favorite products that may help to ease your mind.